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Beyond Fame: How To Become A Market Influencer


About the Course

Today's consumers are divided over millions of websites, social networks, apps, stations, and other media. That's why marketers are increasingly turning to individuals and organizations who can readily connect with large followings across multiple channels. These influencers come in a variety of forms: celebrities, experts, and situational micro influencers who can inspire actions at the right time and place. In this session, you'll learn how to become one (or all) of these influencers and how to prove your influence qualitatively and quantitatively. While many people talk about how to use various media for self-promotion, little has been said about the key element to generating influence: emotions. We'll culminate with an exploration of four emotions that Hollywood uses to turn movies into hits and classics, and how you can employ those emotions to build your influence.

Please note: This CEU course is online only. There is no curriculum material shipped.


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