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About Bicarbonate Supplement


About the Course

The use of bicarbonate supplements is widely reported among various sports for the purpose of combating or delaying fatigue. While neither the short-term nor the long-term effects of using bicarbonate supplements have been studied, the proposed effects of taking this supplement have been supported by science. However, there are numerous reports of adverse effects associated with supplementing with sodium bicarbonate. There is no recommended daily intake for bicarbonate, and food sources are limited. There are other alternatives that may have the same effect.

The following is a scientific analysis of bicarbonate and sodium bicarbonate and its usage in exercise and performance. The primary objective of this analysis is to further educate health, fitness, and performance professionals on the potential effectiveness of this dietary supplement in daily activity as well as athletic performance, and also to determine health risks associated with bicarbonate if any exist.

Features online enrollment, online exam and instant grading as well as automatic certificate generation upon completion of course.

Please note: This CEU course is online only. There is no curriculum material shipped.


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