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A Guideline for the Development of Selected Motor Skills in Youth Athletes


About the Course

Often the first step to improving the success of an individual in a youth sport program is timing the teaching of motor skills to coincide with the individual's physical development. However, the majority of physical education teachers and coaches of sport teams are not aware of the developmental sequences of motor skills in children. Obviously, this lack of knowledge would successfully hinder the success of youth sport programs. This course attempts to address this issue by providing a guideline for the developmental sequences of running, jumping, combined fundamental movement patterns (galloping, skipping, and sliding), kicking and punting, over-arm throwing, catching, tracking and object interception, striking, balance, temporal awareness, as well as addressing the issues of stature and weight interrelationship with motor development and performance, body proportion interrelationship with more performance. This course covers the age of development of motor skills, developmental stages of motor skill attainment, performance trends of motor skill development, gender differences in motor skill development, as well as factors influencing the development of motor skills. This course serves as a reference for teachers and coaches of physical education and youth sport programs, and would also be appropriate for any person, or parent who would like to improve their knowledge about the physical development of children. Completion of this course should enable the physical education teacher to develop programs that are age appropriate and introduce motor skills at a time that coincides with the physical readiness. Creating age appropriate programs that optimize physical readiness for skill development will ensure a child's success and enjoyment in the current program, and lay the groundwork for future success in sports and physical activities.

Features online enrollment, online exam and instant grading as well as automatic certificate generation upon completion of course.

Please note: This CEU course is online only. There is no curriculum material shipped.


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